February...Going Going... GONE!
I feel like this month went by so fast. I blinked and it's almost over. This month didn't have too much going on, but I'm am going to get personal in this post.First off our trip to Idaho was fantastic! We stayed with my sister, hung out with family, got to meet my new nephew, Benjamin and got to see my church family in Kamiah! The rest of the month, Devin's been working and Kamille and I have been trying to get better completely. I feel like I've been sick way too long. Devin finally forced me to go to the doctor. I came away with a diagnosis of an ear infection and tonsillitis. I've had so much pressure in my head, a cold in my eye, impetigo flare up, and congestion so bad that I thought my head was going to explode. Kamille got the cold in the eye, a small cough, runny nose, and then to top it all off started breaking into hives the last few days. After all this fun stuff I think I see the end of the tunnel of sickness. Antibiotics work wonders! lol
Things are going fantastic with our house! We are less than two weeks from closing and still waiting on the appraisal. Then comes the fun part of packing boxes, cleaning, and unpacking. I'm pretty good at all that stuff. Moving 5 times in the last 2 years kind of helps. So here's to our new adventure!
Okay now for the personal stuff:
When I was in High School and College I was this hyper-crazy-ball of energy. I used to laugh so hard I cried, on a daily basis. Life was good! I played volleyball and basketball. I threw in track. I painted and had multiple photoshoots in a week. I loved class and learning new things in school. I met new people everyday and my most favorite things ever was to make people smile and laugh. I knew who I was and it was great.Then life happened....I felt like it crumpled me up, threw me on the ground, and stepped on me. It had it's good points. I have an amazing husband who is always there for me and a beautiful baby girl -who has so much energy. I found a fantastic church/ward family in Stanley, ND and I have family surrounding me.
I love the memory of this trip. I love my husband and my beautiful baby... but I can't stand to look at this picture of me :( |
Last weekend my mom came over to help me and Kamille get better. She told me she was trying the Le-Vel Thrive. I've heard of it here and there but didn't know anything about it. She asked me to do it one day with her and I agreed.
Day ONE: Took the pill, waited 20 minutes, drank a small shake, and put on the patch. Then we sat down. About 20 minutes later I told her we should turn on some music and clean the kitchen. Instead we had a dance party. Music blasting, Kamille laughing, watching my mom dance with her granddaughter creating memories....it was awesome. So then I got the brilliant idea to try an intermediate workout on youtube with my mom... we made it 10 minutes until we were sweating and had to take a break. We sat down for a few minutes and then jumped up to go on with our day. I cleaned the kitchen, went grocery shopping, and had a great birthday with my little brother Jacob.
Day TWO: I woke up before my husband (note: I have never done this before) I showered and got ready for the day. I made him breakfast, lunch, and filled his water jug for work. Then I started cleaning. In one day I cleaned my master bath, my bedroom, organized our walk-in-closet. I washed, dried, folded and put away 3 loads of laundry. I deep cleaned my living room and then organized Kamille's room. All day I took small breaks, drank a ton water and just kept going. I called my sister, ran errands, made dinner and had the kitchen finished all before Devin got home before work. To top it all off I still had energy to play "monster" with Kamille (lots of growling, crawling, running, and laughing).
Day THREE: Got out the door before 11 (MIRACLE). Went to Minot, danced in the car, sang at the top of my lungs and noticed the beauty around me! I felt good! I smiled and had a great day. It was a gorgeous day outside and I wanted to pull out the stroller and go to the track. I wanted to go to the storage unit and find all my painting stuff. I wanted to call up friends and play some basketball. I made dinner and had the house spotless before Devin came home!!! I'm having FUN!
Today is day FOUR and I'm realizing the "WHY NOT" was a great question to ask. I want to see where this is going to take me. I want to see where I will be in a few weeks. Why am I writing about it?...I want to hold myself accountable, but most of all, I want to look into the mirror and say "I'm back :) I'm a hyper-crazy-ball of energy"!!!
God be with you,
Kaylynn Jackson
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