October Fun!

October Fun with the Jacksons 
This last month was a VERY busy one for myself. I had photoshoots almost every night and sometimes 3 a day. This is the time of year people want pictures done for Christmas cards and it's not too cold to do them still. I also got to do the Preschool pictures in Stanley. I did them last school year and they asked for me to come back! I like hanging out with the little kids and they make me laugh.
I really want to get my family pictures done sometime soon before it's too cold to go outside.

Kamille turned two this month on the 9th. We had a small party at the church with taco salad and cake. Kamille had a lot of fun. I can't believe I have a two year old! I was looking back at her birth story and pictures and teared up. She has been such a blessing my our lives. I am so lucky to be her mom. I love watching her grow and learn. She is smart and just so cute. I have my bad days but then when Devin get's home, they cuddle up and read stories and play together, my frustrations all melt away and I can't help but just feel blessed.

For Halloween this year Kamille was Minnie Mouse. I couldn't find a costume in her size so I got one two sizes too big at WalMart. It dragged on the floor and it just looked pretty bad. So I was brave and cut it into pieces. I made a tutu out of some of the scraps and made it fit her much better. We went to the Holyween Party in Stanley this year and I was in charge of a a photobooth. It was fun to see all the kids dressed up.

This month I had three doctor's appointments, the first one was a follow up ultrasound because the last one she was breech and turned the wrong way. They needed to finish measurements. This time she was turned head down but was curled up into a little ball. They got all the measurements and everything is looking great. We tried to get a 3D ultrasound did but she didn't want anyone disturbing her. My second appointment was just a normal check up. While my doctor was finding the heartbeat she kicked the Doppler so hard the doctor felt it and everyone in the room heard it. It was pretty funny. The last appointment was my glucose test. You are supposed to be under 140 but I was at 151. That means I need to go in on Friday and do a three hour glucose test. I really hope that I can pass that one. I still haven't gained any weight and I'm 27 weeks. I asked my doctor and he said that the baby is growing and taking what she needs so he's not worried. I think it's pretty sweet. I gained 30 lbs with Kamille. I only have 12 weeks left and life is just so exciting.

This next month is looking like a fun one. My sister is finally coming to visit me! She got the time off work and bought the train tickets. She comes the day before my birthday so I'm pretty excited. I have one week to show her all the things I love about North Dakota haha and she can help me go through baby clothes and get ready for January.

God be with you till we meet again,
Kaylynn Jackson



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