This off track has been full of days that are so busy I can hardly breathe and days that I get so bored I don't want to breathe. Since I don't go back to school until April I have been trying to stay busy working and trying to improve myself physically. I have been subbing around 2-3 days a week and that is a blast. I always have great stories about little kids and the things they say and do. Then on weekends I usually have 1-2 photoshoots (mostly senior) right now. I have been waiting for a weekend to be open to go down to Rexburg and Utah to visit some friends...and I finally scheduled one in!!! I'm going down the first weekend in March and I'm super stoked to go!
Bigger News???
My little brother Jacob turns 20 on Feb. 20th! Right now he is at the MTC and will be there a few weeks until he hits the mission field of Tulsa, Oklahoma! I am so proud of him and I am going to miss him too! He had his farewell on Sunday, and right after we started singing "God Be With You 'Till We Meet Again" and I started with no problems until I looked at my older brother Jonathan and he had a tear in his eye. This one tear caused me to loose it. Then it started a chain reaction to my mom and Jana and then I even say Jacob tear up... what a family of babies! haha On Tuesday we went to Lewiston and stayed in a hotel because Jacob's plane left at 5:45 in the morning and have to be there by 4:15! That was a super tired morning.. but I didn't cry! I was strong and said goodbye! I know he is going to be the BEST missionary ever! I hope he comes back more talkative and outgoing too! lol
He opened his mission call over Skype on Monday and he's going to LONDON, ENGLAND!!!! How exciting is that! I screamed and I think I danced too! He is in North Dakota right now working in the oil fields, so now he gets to come home and mom can help him finish preparing for his mission.Catching Up from Last Time:
Last blog I was just leaving Rexburg and heading home. When I got home I was there for a week and then flew down to Salt Lake! I had my first big wedding shoot and I was all excited. The first night I got down there. I had a blind date with a guy named Tyson. He took me to Temple Square and we looked at the lights for Christmas and then out to eat. It was a short but sweet date. It was a lot of fun and Tyson is pretty cool.
The next morning I had the wedding. I was kind of nervous but it turned out to be a lot of fun! I started taking pictures at 10:00am and didn't finish until probably 10:00 at night! It was a loooooong day...but the pictures turned out great and it was a good experience I have learned a lot from it.
At the beginning of Feb. I went up to Spokane with my family. My parents took Jacob through the temple!! That was exciting... but while they were doing that I was chilling with Megan and Mandi (they are the two red heads in the first picture). They helped me record a song that I like to sing. I'll post the link and you can check it out! CLICK TO HEAR MY SONG!!! ...... But God Be With You all 'Till We Meet Again!
Love, Kaylynn Lloyd
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