She's arrived and she's changed our lives!

Well we weren't expecting baby Kamille to arrive until Halloween but she came when the Lord was ready to send her. I would love to say that everything was perfect and went through very smoothly, but then I would be lying. They say having a baby is the worst pain you will ever feel, and I felt pain for sure, but it wasn't the traditional birth pain.
On Wednesday the 8th, I had a doctor's appointment with Dr. Bedell (he's pretty much awesome). The nurse prepping me took my blood pressure (which has been amazing the whole pregnancy) and she just looked puzzled. She told me it was really high, so she would try the other arm. It came back high also. She then checked my urine sample and told me that protein was present. I knew what this meant but I needed to hear it from the Dr. He came in pretty quick and said, "Mam, it's about time to head over to the hospital and have this baby!" I was in shock. I told him I had three more weeks and that she wasn't allowed to come on Joey's birthday. I asked him if we could wait until tomorrow and he sent me down to take some blood tests. I then waited for the phone call, telling me what to do.

About two hours later Dr. Bedell called and said that it wasn't looking good. I had mild preeclampsia and she needed to come ASAP. If my blood pressure got too high it could cause a still birth for Kamille, and it could cause damage to my organs that could cause death. I called my mom and I was off to the hospital by myself. Devin and his sister were at work and I knew that the baby wasn't coming until after they had gotten off.

Right when I got there, I was put on 3 different IVs and lots of blood work needed to be done. I told the lab tech that I was allergic to adhesive and she said that was impossible and proceeded to put tape over the gauze on my arm. About 4 hours later they came back in to take more blood and took off the tape and sure enough the skin came with it. That caused them to put an allergy band on me and believe me (kind of). I was just waiting for hours in pain, but not with contractions... it was just discomfort. I was having contractions and could see them on the monitor but I couldn't feel them and they weren't getting stronger. After 12 hours of liquids being shoved through me and just dilated at a 3 cm.... I couldn't take it any longer. I needed sleep and I just needed it to be over. I ordered for the epidural. It seemed it only took a second for a guy to come in and I signed the papers. The doctor put the epidural needle in and it felt like my spine was being crushed. I waited for the relief but it never came. Then I heard a beeper go off. The anesthesiologist pulled everything out and stepped out of the room. I just sobbed in Devin's arms in pain. After a min he came back and he then got the right spot and the spine crushing came again. Then it got really warm and I couldn't feel a thing. It was over with and I could finally sleep.

I woke up hour after hour when the nurses would come in and check me. I still wasn't going anywhere with my dilation. After 24 hours of just waiting Dr. Bedell came in and said I was only at a 5 cm and we would have to have a C section. To me it was all really quick and I was taken away and strapped down. Then nurse told me I shouldn't feel anything but pressure, but NO PAIN. I took a deep breath and then felt the cut, the pain was so bad I screamed out. I wasn't supposed to feel anything!!! They pulled and suctioned liquid but I could feel everything. I just cried and yelled, and then the nurse told me to take a deep breath in a nose-mouth thingy. I was out.

I woke up surrounded by nurses and saw the clock, it had been an hour and half and I was a mom. I never pushed or felt a contraction but I felt a lot of other pain. They wheeled me to the recovery room and Devin walked in with my little baby. She has so much hair and she was just beautiful.

We are now recovering at home and taking it slow. 6 weeks of nothing more than walking.
My labor and delivery didn't go as planned, but I have a healthy little girl. She smiles all the time and I can already tell she has attitude. I love her with all my heart.

Kamille Alice Jackson
7lb 2 oz
20 inches long
Born on October 9th, 2014 at 3:24 pm



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