I don't have many new pictures that I have taken. I'm usually really busy at college. but here are some of McCall and Dallen that I did a while back in Idaho falls! They are so cute!
Wow this week just flew by! It was insane! On Monday I got a phone call and I got a JOB!!! How exciting. It was the first time I have ever interviewed and actually applied for a job! So I'm probably getting 15-20 hours a week for this semester and in the Fall I'll be the head Graphic Designer for the University/Book Store! The cool thing about this job is I get it every semester I'm here until I Graduate! No worries for the next 2 years! How cool is that!
THE BEAST: So this semester I tried out for the competitive Basketball team and made it! I was hoping that maybe I can get into shape a lil bit more and also to have some fun. This weekend we have a game coming up and I'm super excited. Practice on Wednesday was KILLER! We warmed up and then my coach Victor told me to go work on post moves with Dustin. As I started walking down to the other side of the court Dustin looked scared and then decided he didn't want to get hurt so he asked for some of me teammates to help out. They looked terrified :) I spent the next 1/2 hour non stop posting up 4 different teammates. Dustin told them to not play "good" defense...but to foul the crap out of me and not letter me score at all. It was hard, but I'm pretty sure I dominated.
Now for me person who has changed my life:
I think Amy is one of the strongest, bravest girls I know. She is so beautiful and inspires me to never give up.
If we go back to the very beginning we were always forced to be together. I hate to say it, but Amy was mean to me. She used to walk all over me. haha I was scared of her. She was way pretty and super confident. She had friends and I wanted to be just like her.
Then life hit her hard. She went through a lot. Challenges seemed to pile up and all I could do was try my hardest to be there for her. Our bond strengthened and we started to tolerate each other.
Then we became best friends!!! We made it a tradition to stay up until 12:00 every night we were together talking about everything, but mostly boys. Life continued and she took off to California. I was afraid she had forgotten about her best cousin ever...but she came back all grown up. I guess I was grown up some more too. Then I left for college and she got a job. Every time I come home she is there working her hardest to provide not only for herself but for her family too. I'm so proud of what she has become and what I know she will accomplish in her life. When ever I think I'm having a hard time in life I just remember what my cousin had to go through and tell myself that I can do anything.
Funny Story Time: hmmm We have so many memories together. But I think one of my favorite was when Amy and I took a road trip to Lewiston and we were at Arbys grabbing something to eat. Well Amy was on her phone talking to her mom. Then she started freaking out looking her purse...under the table...for her PHONE! She started telling her mom she put her phone in her purse and now it was gone...and all I could do was LAUGH! I wish everyone could have seen her face when she realized what she did. BAHAHAH it was so funny.
I love and miss Amy everyday! :) Can't wait to see her for Graduation! Thanks for being soooo awesome!
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