There are so many people out there that have change and influenced my life. I have many friends and family that have pushed me to be what I have become! I feel like I should pay tribute to some of them :) I know that this is supposed to be a "photography" blog... but I'm the writer and can do what ever I it's my personal blog too! haha
NEW GOAL: Highlight at least ONE person who has changed my life each week!
OUTCOME: We will find some new modern-day heroes and I might actually keep up with this blog. :)
PERSON: Jenica Lyn Lloyd (My sister)
Fun story time: Our room would get REALLY messy...our mom would lock us in the room until it was clean (aka: after everything was shoved under the bed) haha... So we just absolutely couldn't work together...because that was insane. So Jenica came up with a plan that we could take turns cleaning while the other one counted. I was like 7 so I thought it was BRILLIANT! She decided to clean first. So I thought I would be tricky and count as fast as I could. 100 seconds was about 60 seconds back then. I would open my eyes and she had picked up TWO things... I thought I would make her feel better so I would pat her on the back and say "good job, I can really see a big difference!" Then it was turn! I was going to show her for sure! It was the LONGEST 100 seconds of my life (probably because it was about 500) :( By then I had the whole room picked up! I was that amazing! She would open her eyes and say "Good Job...Wow you did way better than me!" That little stinker.... I hate to admit this, but this is how we cleaned our room for a while (until I caught on).
After my sister moved out and I grew up some more. We actually became friends. I thought that day would never come! I have lived, laughed, and grown with my sister. I look up to her a lot. She is one of the hardest working person I know. She don't over-look any detail and seems to always get it right. I hope that someday I can be as mature and awesome as she is.
I know that this blog can go on FOREVER about Jenica... But I'm going to close it with the simplest phrase! I LOVE HER!
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